Congratulations to our Spring 2020 Bachelor of Arts Graduates:
Daphine Seymone Henderson
B.A. in Voice
Written by Carmen Balthrop:
"Low, high, middle—and all around
On your double bass your fair tones—astound
Yet who knew—a singer you were
One of extreme insight and quite extraordinaire
Carry on smartly, play and sing your way
I await to hear that you are the best of the day"
Dirk Menno Holzman
B.A. in Voice
Written by Gran Wilson:
You came to me as a voice minor, and graduate with a B.A. in voice, a B.S. in engineering, a great job at Northrop Grumman, and a brilliant future as a recitalist, cantor, and lecturer. You have been recognized by the university as an outstanding scholar, and awarded kudos in a national vocal contest. You have brought glory to us all. Bravissimo!
Astrid Kongelf Jensen
B.A. in Violin
Written by James Stern:
With a second major in computer science, Astrid is now helping develop video chat for Cisco WebEx in her native Norway. She entered the School of Music as a truly cosmopolitan musician, with ensemble experience on two continents. To her unique individual style, she has now added a solid technical foundation. With her mastery of coding and collé, she will help us take the delivery of classical music into the future.
Joshua William Lewis
B.A. in Tuba
Written by David Fedderly:
Joshua Lewis is one of those unique students. He is a huge musical talent, incredibly intelligent and most importantly an amazing human. He is always there to help others. Joshua was a true joy to work with every week. I am sure Joshua Lewis will achieve greatness by serving others during his lifetime. I will look forward to watching his life's journey.
Monica Nancy Panepento
B.A. in Bassoon
Written by Joseph Grimmer:
Congratulations, Monica! You’ve made great strides in your technique and musicality throughout your degree and demonstrated an ability to accomplish multiple goals simultaneously. I am so proud of both your work on the bassoon and in arts administration and I know you’re going to be a big success. Way to go!
Sarah Elizabeth Ruehle
B.A. in Voice
Written by Delores Ziegler:
I have never had a student who has juggled 3 degrees in such diverse disciplines as Sarah. Did I mention that she has completed all 3 with exceptional success? As a B.A. in voice, she undertook a full, strenuous recital and "wowed" everyone. This year, Sarah successfully took on 3 compositions by a student composer. Where will she go from here?
Cathelyn Yunhua Wang
B.A. in Flute
Written by Sarah Frisof:
Cathy, even though we only were able to work together for a short time, I always enjoyed seeing your cheerful face and loved having you in the studio. I’m looking forward to seeing where you take your passion for environmental science and music in the years to come.