Lauri Johnson

Choral Activities Coordinator, Choral Activities
2150 The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
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Lauri Johnson is the administrator for Choral Activities at the University of Maryland School of Music. She oversees the operations of the UMD Chamber Singers, University Chorale, Men’s Chorus, Treble Choir, Concert Choir and Summer Chorus, and has coordinated numerous collaborations with the National Symphony Orchestra and Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. In addition to her work at the university, Johnson serves as long-time accompanist for the children’s choir of St. Mary of the Mills Catholic Church in Laurel, Maryland. From 1991-2001 she worked as administrative assistant for the University of Maryland Chorus and Maryland Handel Festival at the UMD School of Music. In 1989, Johnson earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in piano performance from the University of Maryland, College Park and in 1993 she received a Graduate Certificate in arts management from American University, Washington, D.C.