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Raff Viglianti

SOM Affiliate Faculty and MITH Software developer Raffaele Viglianti. He is wearing a red and white plaid shirt, and has dark hair and a beard.

Affiliate Faculty, School of Music

Senior Research Software Developer, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities

Raffaele (Raff) Viglianti is a Senior Research Software Developer at MITH. He holds a Ph.D. in Digital Musicology from the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London, where he also contributed to several major digitization and text encoding projects. Raff's research is grounded in digital humanities and textual scholarship, where “text” includes musical notation. More specifically, he seeks to advance textual scholarship by finding new and efficient practices to coherently and digitally model and edit (publish, or make available) text and music notation sources as digital scholarly resources. In adopting and developing new research methods, he deliberately takes a multicultural perspective by engaging with multilingual content, facing the diverse realities of the constraints in accessing and creating digital scholarly content, and by adopting a global approach to teaching and learning. Raff is currently an elected member of the Text Encoding Initiative technical council and the Technical Editor of the Scholarly Editing journal.