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The UMD Treble Choir performs exciting literature for soprano and alto voices.

The UMD Treble Choir comprises soprano, alto and mezzo-soprano singers from throughout the campus community. Since 2001, the group’s membership has brought together undergraduate and graduate students from all of the major colleges and schools at the University of Maryland.

The choir sings art and folk repertoire for treble voices spanning eras, styles and genres from Renaissance to contemporary and across both Western and non-Western cultural traditions. Known especially for its exploration of choral music written by living composers, the UMD Treble Choir has commissioned and premiered works by Erik Esenvalds and presented acclaimed performances of music by Eleanor Daley, Györgi Orbán, Levente Gyöngösi, Rosephanye Powell, Moira Smiley and Sara Quartel, among many others.

Each year, the UMD Treble Choir presents a slate of performances including fall and spring showcase concerts and, in conjunction with Tactus (formerly known as the UMD Men’s Chorus), the annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in December at the beautiful UMD Memorial Chapel.

The ensemble has appeared with the NSO Pops at the Kennedy Center and in 2016 performed by invitation for the Eastern Division Convention of the American Choral Directors Association.

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UMD Treble Choir Director

Kenneth Elpus

Associate Director for Faculty Affairs & Graduate Studies, School of Music
Professor, Music Education
Choral Music Education
Director, UMD Treble Choir

2130C The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-5537

UMD Treble Choir Assistant Conductor

Julie Huang Tucker

Julie Huang Tucker is a conductor, choral musician and collaborative keyboard artist who serves as music director at First Presbyterian Church of Arlington, associate conductor and accompanist of Washington Men’s Camerata and conducting fellow of Choralis. As an organist, she has performed with the National Symphony Orchestra, National Philharmonic, Choral Arts Society of Washington, Washington Chorus at the Kennedy Center, Strathmore Hall and National Cathedral. Julie is passionate about teaching, which has led to such educational projects as tango orchestra workshops from Mexico to Martha’s Vineyard with QuinTango, and directing township youth and prison inmate choirs in South Africa.  She also shares her love of music as a host on WETA, Washington’s classical music radio station. Julie holds a B.A. from Cornell University, a M.M. from the University of Oklahoma in organ performance, and is currently pursuing a D.M.A. in choral conducting at the University of Maryland.