Mozart's The Magic Flute

Mozart's The Magic Flute
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer
Emanuel Schikaneder, librettist
Craig Kier and Jonathan King, conductors
Amanda Consol, director
This event has multiple in-person performance dates from November 17–21. Please note that this event will not be livestreamed.
In Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), Mozart’s miraculous blend of the human and the supernatural, comedy and romance, draws us into a world where a prince, Tamino, and a princess, Pamina, triumph over every obstacle in their search for wisdom and enlightenment and are finally united in love. With an enduring love story at its heart, plus complex villains and an unforgettable comic sidekick in Papageno, The Magic Flute weaves an enchanting tale from start to finish. Sung in German with English dialogue and supertitles.
Pared down to simplified costumes and minimal production, the fall opera is the art form at its most elemental: the singer, the story and the music take center stage. In addition to the MOS singers, this performance features undergraduate students from UMD Choral Activities and the work of M.F.A. design students from the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies.
Opera Resonates:
Join us before Sunday's opera for a special Opera Resonates talk that provides an inside look into this beloved masterpiece on Sunday, November 21 at 1:30 p.m. in the Kay Theatre.
Learn more and purchase in-person tickets.
About the Maryland Opera Studio:
Under the direction of Craig Kier, the Maryland Opera Studio is dedicated to the future of opera. Preparing the next generation of great singers and offering performances ranging from classic repertoire to provocative new works, it is building contemporary audiences for opera and advancing the art that sustains them.
Health & Safety for In-Person Attendance
There may be COVID-19 safety policies in place, such as mask requirements, when you attend this event. Please see The Clarice's health & safety page for the most up-to-date information about attendance.
Photo Credit: C. Stanley Photography