ARHU Faculty Earn Promotion and Tenure
September 25, 2018

22 faculty members from the College of Arts and Humanities have received promotion and/or tenure.
Dean Bonnie Thornton Dill is happy to announce that the following College of Arts and Humanities faculty members have received promotion and/or tenure, effective as of the start of the fall 2018 academic year. Congratulations!
Promotion to the rank of associate professor with tenure:
Sharada Balachandran Orihuela, Department of English
Francisco Barrenechea, Department of Classics
Jorge J. Bravo III, Department of Classics
Shannon Collis, Department of Art
Perla Guerrero, Department of American Studies
Craig Kier, School of Music
Eric Kutz, School of Music
Irina Muresanu, School of Music
Eric Pacuit, Department of Philosophy
Jan Padios, Department of American Studies
Fernando Rios, School of Music
Anita Atwell Seate, Department of Communication
Erich Sommerfeldt, Department of Communication
Matthew Suriano, The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies
New appointment at the rank of associate professor with tenure
Hallie Liberto, Department of Philosophy
Kevin Short, School of Music
Promotion to professor:
Nan Jiang, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Kellie Robertson, Department of English
Karin Rosemblatt, Department of History
Jason Rudy, Department of English
Peter Wien, Department of History
Gran Wilson, School of Music